
Ferris structural steel is part of Syndus Group, an international organisation with branches in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Slovakia. From a history dating back to 1955, Syndus Group has grown into a reliable manufacturing partner in Europe for various industries. Quality, safety, and the environment are at the heart of all activities, supported by over 450 dedicated employees. Discover the power of Syndus Group and let us help you tackle your technical challenges.

Achieving more together

Achieving more together


The challenges facing the industry are great. including sustainability, care for the environment, and safe working conditions. Finding qualified personnel is similarly a growing concern. Commodities are becoming more expensive, energy prices are on the rise, and the global market is subject to one shock after another. At the same time, there are local partners on the market that people can rely on.


Syndus Group is one of those reliable partners. Syndus Group stands for: achieving more together. We carry each other forward together based on solidarity. Interconnectedness within the supply chain, between individual companies and between people themselves. We believe in extensive and long-term partnerships with our customers, suppliers and our own people. This is how we succeeded and expanded as a business and how we continue to evolve. Together, the various Syndus companies offer a complete package for many technical issues.


Syndus Group companies are praised for their safety culture, which is in every fibre of the entire organisation, both for employees and clients and their process. And even though we always follow the safety procedures, we still remain flexible and are able to adapt rapidly. The client’s processes must always be able to carry on uninterrupted. Being the innovative organisation that we are, we always come up with a suitable solution for every challenge, . For example, we regularly develop new products, services and applications ourselves. We follow innovations closely and apply them immediately where they benefit our customers.


More on Syndus Group

Five companies

Five companies


Syndus Group offers total solutions in five specialist areas: plastic pipe systems and safety gates (Amerplastics), industrial machine and tool rental (Arentis), steel structures (Ferris), glassfibre reinforced (GRP) grids and structures (Fiberstruct), and design and engineering services (Konstruktis).

Fiberstruct GRP solutions:   Design  |  Manufacturing  |  Installation |

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